Exploring Taiwanese scooter culture - What happens to the surroundings in a scooter-dominated society?

Digital Matters project

In may 2017 the Muthesius Academy of Design and Fine Arts Kiel was invited to be part of a conference in Taiwan. Under the topic "digital matters" we explored the value of digitalization within our every day lives. In cooperation with three Taiwanese students of the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan I worked on a field research project and on the development of digitalized scooter concepts in the city of Tainan.

Ethnographic Field Studies

To have a closer look at the behaviour of the inhabitants of Tainan, I spent a day observing life in Tainan from my scooter. I interviewed students and people at the market about their daily hurdles in the traffic of Tainan. I found fears within the traffic but also concerns about air pollution, especially in the city center of Tainan.

Observing everyday behaviour in road traffic from the scooter

Observing everyday behaviour in road traffic from the scooter

Observing the traffic in Tainan

Observing the traffic in Tainan

Observing the traffic in Tainan

Observing the traffic in Tainan


After exploring the environment and conducting interviews with people in Tainan, we presented our findings at the "Digital Matters" conference at National Cheng Kung University. The main focus was the presentation of our approach and a short presentation of a short concept for safe driving in the city of Tainan. The concept shows how, with the help of integrated helmet displays, drivers can obtain timely traffic information, including CO2 data, to show their own environmental impact in the city.

Poster of the digital matters conference

Poster of the digital matters conference

Presentation | National Cheng Kung University Tainan

Presentation | National Cheng Kung University Tainan

Final presentation at the Digital Matters Conference Tainan 2017

Final presentation at the Digital Matters Conference Tainan 2017


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