Celebrating the medium of the cassette through the TapeClub

The medium of the tape has fascinated me since my early childhood days, when the first composed tape for friends was recorded and also its design was adopted. In itself, nothing at all has changed in the process, so I wanted to continue to bring the existence of the tape into the public eye and celebrate it. I first founded the Tape Club in Leipzig in 2009 and continued in Erfurt and Kiel. The concept is that two DJs selected by me are invited to record 5 cassettes live, while the artwork is always done by another artist. The audience can already announce during the recording if they are interested in this work and take it as a souvenir of the evening. The Tapeclub has already taken place in over 20 locations with over 50 artists.

Tapeclub vol.7 Kiel Subrosa

Tapeclub vol.7 Kiel Subrosa

Tape Design by Selina

Tape Design by Selina

Tapeclub vol. 5 with Ovule at Popshop Kiel. Tape Design by Matthias Albold

Tapeclub vol. 5 with Ovule at Popshop Kiel. Tape Design by Matthias Albold

Tapeclub at Cafe Godot with Burda

Tapeclub at Cafe Godot with Burda

Tape Design by Sana

Tape Design by Sana

Design by Charlotte and Jona

Design by Charlotte and Jona

Norman Hemley

Norman Hemley

Tape Club at PopShop Kiel

Tape Club at PopShop Kiel